What is the Difference Between Capacitive and Resistive Touch Screen

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Touch screen technology has become a very essential component in today’s electronics. Now, there are various types of touch screen technologies available in the market. However, two of the most commonly used touch screen technologies are capacitive and resistive touch screen. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between these two touch screen technologies.

Working principle

The working principles of the capacitive and resistive touch screens are quite different. In a resistive touch screen, a thin film of two conductive layers is placed on top of the glass layer. When pressure is applied to the touch screen, the two layers come into contact, which in turn activates the touch screen. On the other hand, a capacitive touch screen uses the electrical properties of the human body to detect touch. A layer of transparent electrode material is placed on top of the glass layer, and an electric current runs through it. When an object, such as a human finger, touches the screen, there is a disruption in the electrical field. This disruption in the electrical field is detected as a touch by the touch screen controller.

Accuracy and Sensitivity

One of the key differences between capacitive and resistive touch screens is their accuracy and sensitivity. Capacitive touch screens are more accurate and sensitive than resistive touch screens. They can detect even the slightest touch or tap on the screen. In contrast, resistive touch screens are less sensitive and require more pressure to register a touch or tap. Moreover, capacitive touch screens can track multiple fingers or touches at once, which is especially helpful in multi-touch applications, such as pinch-to-zoom. In contrast, resistive touch screens cannot detect multiple touches at once, making multi-touch applications less precise and accurate.

Display Clarity

Another significant difference between capacitive and resistive touch screens is their impact on display clarity. Capacitive touch screens do not require a pressure-sensitive layer, unlike resistive touch screens. Their absence makes capacitive touch screens more transparent, enabling higher display clarity with sharper and brighter images. In contrast, resistive touch screens require an extra layer for sensing pressure, which can reduce the transparency of the screen and have a negative impact on display clarity.


Cost is also a significant factor to consider while choosing between capacitive and resistive touch screens. Capacitive touch screens are more expensive to produce than resistive touch screens because they require more intricate manufacturing processes. In contrast, the manufacturing process for resistive touch screens is more straightforward, making them a more affordable option. Therefore, if cost is a significant factor, a resistive touch screen is a better option.


In conclusion, capacitive and resistive touch screens are two distinct touch screen technologies with their advantages and disadvantages. Capacitive touch screens are more sensitive, accurate, and have a higher display clarity, while resistive touch screens are more affordable. Therefore, the choice between the two types of touch screens depends on the application, available budget, and desired purpose.


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